Chris Dell (317) 538-0509
Chris Dell (317) 538-0509
(317) 567-2402 (Office)

About Chris

Chris Dell is the Managing Broker of Horizon Real Estate. He has been actively selling real estate in central Indiana since 2003 with much success. After graduating from Ball State University in 1999, Chris began his professional career in banking, finance, and management. This experience was compounded by a three-year stent in his bank’s Consumer Lending Department where he focused on sales, originating hundreds of home equity loans across the country. Through this position, he gained valuable understanding in areas of personal credit, appraisals, and mortgages. Chris then worked in first mortgage origination for home refinances and purchases as a Loan Officer. His professional path crested in an ever-mounting wealth of knowledge which he now applies to put his clients in the best possible positions during real estate negotiations. Throughout his real estate career, Chris and his wife, Michelle, have invested in their own portfolio of commercial and residential properties, thus broadening Chris’ knowledge of rentals and property management. In 2021 he obtained his Florida real estate license to expand his real estate services outside Indiana, for those moving to and from the Sunshine State.

Chris maintains a vision of growing his company and its culture. He and his team of agents promote a client-first focus, while adapting with new technology and strategies as quickly as the market changes. His mindset as a real estate broker is that of a servant-leader and he looks for inspiration and steadiness through his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In his personal time, Chris enjoys time with his wife and three daughters, family, and friends. He enjoys outdoor activities, martial arts, fitness/sports, watching his older girls compete in tennis, and seeing them all pursue their passions in art and life.


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